Create Binance Fast API
If you're logged into Binance on your browser, the easiest way to connect to Doblox is via the Fast API method.
Last updated
If you're logged into Binance on your browser, the easiest way to connect to Doblox is via the Fast API method.
Last updated
If you haven't created a Binnce account yet, you can start the process by following this link.
Log into Doblox, click the profile icon in the upper-right corner, and select "Exchange Management".
A pane is open, choose the “Exchanges/Wallets” tab.
In this tab, click on the “+ Exchange” button on the right of the page.
Another pane is open which you can fill the “Nickname” field with whatever name you like. Here we suggest filling it with “ My Binance”.
Search and choose Binance from the first drop-down field (Exchange).
In advance the Binance exchange is chosen, a button appears. Click on it.
You go to another tab in your browser and your account in Binance opens. The process is done (If you’re not logged in, please log into your Binance account).
Now your Binance account is connected to Doblox and you can enjoy trading.
Please check if the API is synced by going to profile > “Exchange Management” > “Exchanges | Wallets” tab.
Note: In the Fast API Key creation process of creating the API Keys, your API key is “IP whitelisted” by default and it’s not required to take any further steps. But if needed, find IP Whitelisting steps on the following article:
Set Doblox IP Whitelisting on Binance